Administration and Scoring Period

2011-12 NYSAA Administration Period: October 3, 2011 to February 10, 2012
2011-12 NYSAA Scoring Period: March 12, 2012 to May 4, 2012

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Math - Horizontal or Verticle?


This question keeps coming up regarding presentation; vertical or horizontal of the problem.
Teachers are squeamish and truly want to do the assessment correctly. Please clarify for me and my teachers, if there is no statement in the AGLI or SAT that it is an equation or an expression and that it must be presented horizontally, can it be presented vertically? Please read below the question that was posed to me and advise. I look forward to your response as teachers feel that time is of the essence.
Here is one example:
Grade 3 Math
SAT 13204A
The student will add and/or subtract whole numbers (1-19) using one or more strategies.
The question arose regarding presentation: horizontal or vertical????
Thank you.

Hi Teresa,

Thank you for the question. The AGLIs that need to be presented to the student horizontally have an asterisk by them (these are AGLIs that are assessing knowledge, skills, and understanding related to equations/inequalities and expressions). If the AGLI does not have an asterisk by it then it is perfectly acceptable for the teacher to present only vertical addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division problems (these AGLIs are not assessing equations/inequalities and expressions). In the example you provided for the Grade 3 AGLI, presenting the addition and/or subtraction problems vertically would be fine (note: it would also be acceptable to present the problems horizontally or some combination of vertical and horizontal problems). Please let us know if you have further questions.
Thank you,

Kelly Ickes
NYSAA Project Manager & Special Education Specialist II
Measured Progress
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