Administration and Scoring Period

2011-12 NYSAA Administration Period: October 3, 2011 to February 10, 2012
2011-12 NYSAA Scoring Period: March 12, 2012 to May 4, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

Math Gr 7 AGLI and Touch Math

Grade 7 Math – AGLI 12107 – Add and/or subtract one or two digit whole numbers
Is it acceptable for the student to use a Touch Math worksheet to solve the the addition and/or subtraction problems?
RESPONSE: In this case, it would be fine to use a Touch Math worksheet with AGLI 12107 because the student needs to figure out the number and the amount it represents, then add the two together. Many times they count to get the value but they still need to know what each represents and put them together. A notation indicating that the student counted each number individually and then added the two numbers together to obtain the sum would be a good notation to add to the verifying evidence, since this AGLI doesn’t specifically have “use of a strategy” with it. Also, for assessment purposes the teacher could make up a worksheet for the student without the touch math dots and circles and see if the student can add without it.

Kelly Ickes, Measured Progress
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