Good Afternoon, Colleagues!
As we head into the last week of the administration period, we have a couple of reminders and some information we would like to share:
Remind teachers that the datafolio must be complete and turned in to their building administrators by close of business on Friday, February 11th, 2011. Also, ProFileTM will be shut down at 6:00 pm on Friday, February 11th, 2011.
Please make yourselves as accessible as possible to teachers during this last week and be sure to communicate any last minute directions to teachers.
The NYSAA Teacher Survey will go live Friday, February 11th, 2011. Please ask your teachers to complete the survey as close to the end of the administration period as possible, so the assessment information is fresh in their minds. The Department values the feedback that it receives from teachers through the survey and incorporates clarifications and supplements to the administration materials based on much of the feedback from the survey.
Use of notations on verifying evidence are very helpful in clarifying to an outside reviewer how an assessment task took place, how the student performance information was calculated, etc. In this last week, it would be best practice for a teacher to have a person not familiar with the datafolio to look at the verifying evidence and see if there are any questions. If there are questions, a notation might be needed on the verifying evidence.
Verifying evidence that is a computer print-out, SMART board work product, etc. is one example of when a notation would be very helpful. Many times these work products appear to be photocopies when they are not. A notation indicating that the student completed the work on the computer and then it was printed out would be good to have.
Review verifying evidence for information that appears to be a guide toward the answers or information that directly leads the student to the answers. Also, remember that just because a work product has information within the instructions, it does not automatically mean the information should be considered a guide. Remember to consider what the AGLI is assessing and the amount/detail of the information contained on the work product. The work product should be modified before being given to the student to complete.
Remind teachers that only two pieces of verifying evidence should be included in the datafolio. One of the dates of student performance documented on the Data Summary Sheet does not require evidence-the work that generated the level of accuracy and level of independence for that date should be kept by the teacher in the student’s file or sent home to the parent, whichever the teacher determines is best.
Thank you all for your continued efforts.
Take care,
NYSAA Project Manager & Special Education Specialist II
Measured Progress
1-800-431-8901 x-2219
1-877-604-9417 (NYSAA toll free number)
1-866-283-2197 (toll free fax number)