Administration and Scoring Period

2011-12 NYSAA Administration Period: October 3, 2011 to February 10, 2012
2011-12 NYSAA Scoring Period: March 12, 2012 to May 4, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Q&A's from recent reviews

1. High School - ELA 11107
Attend to read a source to collect fact(s) about a topic of interest in the community-
VE - Work sample- Teacher used supermarket flyer and asked questions:
  • Is the flyer from Pathmark? True/ Not true.
  • Is coffee on sale for $1.49-True/not true.
  • Teacher referred to glossary which stated that a fact is information that can be verified as true. Is this acceptable or should she use fact/not fact instead of true/not true?
RESPONSE: This seems to be a different way of “collecting facts,” typically we see a collage of picture collected that are facts from the topic or a student mark on the picture that is a fact from the topic. The way it is presented does not appear that the student is “collecting facts.” Are there other questions that are not facts? The questions you’ve included only appear to be true-false type statements. The teacher could have a series of statements from the supermarket flyer and the student mark the ones that are fact. Or another way to do this was if the items were not presented as questions but as actual statements and the student had to indicate fact/not fact. The intent of this AGLI is that a student is being assessed on his/her ability to recognize facts presented in a resource and “collect” them (identifying the facts would suffice for “collect”).
2. High School - Math SAT52102B - Student will record given data on a list or in a chart.
Possible datafolio product - “a work product of the completed list or chart that the student used to record given data.”
For this task would like the student to record the foods that a classmate or teacher ate during the school day. Therefore, she'll have “given data” to record “on a list.”
Question: whether the list should be a teacher-created template (a written title and numbers going down the left margin of the page) or if the student should actually write the title and numbers down the page.
RESPONSE: It depends on the student. It could be a teacher provided list that the student has to fill in the data on. Or if the student is at a higher level, the teacher could have the student fill in the list details then record the data in it.
3. Grade 3 - ELA 12108 Please define "story page" as indicated in the Possible datafolio products
RESPONSE: The possible datafolio products are just examples and are not absolutely the only way to show the assessment task in the VE. In this case, “story page” is just meaning a page from the story that is being used with the student to assess his/her understanding when recognizing a character or an event.
4. Grade 8 ELA - 21105 - Organize notes logically about a topic
  • Can the "note" be pictures given to the student
RESPONSE: Notes can be pictures. It does not have to be actual words or phrases. For some students pictures are the appropriate “text” for them.
5. High School 22106 - locate one country other than the US on a map
Worksheet is a picture of the world. Directions say "Locate another country other than the US on a map. Locate Australia on the map and color it".
  • Does this connect?
  • Are the directions a template?
RESPONSE: It is acceptable for the teacher to direct the student to find a certain country. The student doesn’t have to determine what country he/she wants to find and then go and find it on the map. The directions would not be a template, as long as the map had other countries labeled in addition to Australia being labeled or no countries are labeled.
6. Grade 7 - ELA - Listen to and follow one-step directions to perform a task or assignment
  • "directions" - appears to be a plural. Accordingly, does there need to be at least two different directions given to the student? The current worksheets have the same direction ("Circle your favorite holiday.")
RESPONSE: The VE needs to demonstrate that the student is being assessed on following at least two different directions—one VE could be “Circle you favorite holiday.” and the other VE would need to have a different direction (e.g., “Mark the picture of the tree.”).
7. Grade 3 - 14101 - SAT - The student will attend to text(s) read by others by demonstrating appropriate attending behaviors.
  • is it sufficient to demonstrate that student attended (e.g., using a time segmented DCS) or do they need to annotate that the "appropriate attending behaviors" were demonstrated (e.g., eye contact, remaining in seat)
RESPONSE: The use of a time-segment Data Collection Sheet would be acceptable to record the amount of time the student is attending. “Appropriate attending behaviors” is specific to the individual student. The teacher would be the one to determine this. If the student is attending for the designated time segment then the data recorded marks a plus in the DCS. For some students attending is just them staying in a seat, for others it might be that the student is making eye contact/watching the reader. The teacher does not need to define the “appropriate attending behaviors” on the DCS but it may be helpful for the data collector so that he/she knows whether the student should be marked as a plus or minus for a certain time segment.

8. AGLIs with congruent shapes (e.g., Grade 8 Math)

worksheet has the directions - mark the shapes that are congruent. There is a triangle on the top. There are f shapes below - circle, triangle, square, triangle for the student to choose from. The two triangles below are both the same size as the one on top. (The circle and square are also the same size)

  • is this okay... or is it just "matching" to the one on top? Did one of the triangles below need to be a different size than the one on top, so the student had to clearly differentiate both size and shape?
RESPONSE: Congruent means same size and same shape. There should be another triangle that is a different size that the one on the top of the page.