Administration and Scoring Period

2011-12 NYSAA Administration Period: October 3, 2011 to February 10, 2012
2011-12 NYSAA Scoring Period: March 12, 2012 to May 4, 2012

Thursday, September 15, 2011

ProFile Up and Runnng for 11-12


Measured Progress ProFileTM (the web-based program available to teachers statewide to assist in documenting and managing their students NYSAA datafolios) is now available for use. Please use the address below to access the site:
Please note there is no “www” needed in the address. Also, for teachers that have used the program last year they do not need to create a new registration-the e-mail address and password set up last year will work for this year also. There is information on Measured Progress ProFileTM in Appendix A of the Administration Manual.

Thank you all for your feedback on the importance of Measured Progress ProFileTM and the desire to have it up and running for you to use at your initial teacher training sessions!

Take care,

Kelly Ickes
Measured Progress
NYSAA Project Manager & Special Education Specialist II