Administration and Scoring Period

2011-12 NYSAA Administration Period: October 3, 2011 to February 10, 2012
2011-12 NYSAA Scoring Period: March 12, 2012 to May 4, 2012

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Recognizing an object

In 8th grade 33103 recognize and object and hot or cold. Is it ok for a student to recognize the object in picture form? The teacher gave the student a worksheet of pictures of hot and cold objects.

Hi Elizabeth,

Thank you for the question. Regarding Grade 8 Science AGLI 33103 “recognize an object as hot (warm) or cold (cool)” it would be acceptable for the object to be an image on the worksheet. Please let us know if you have further questions.
Thank you,

Kelly Ickes
NYSAA Project Manager & Special Education Specialist II
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