Administration and Scoring Period

2011-12 NYSAA Administration Period: October 3, 2011 to February 10, 2012
2011-12 NYSAA Scoring Period: March 12, 2012 to May 4, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

AGLI Questions from Collegial Reviews

Questions from our collegial review today:

Grade 3 ELA 34107 - Show respect by attending to what the speaker is saying.
VE - A time segmented data collection sheet, with time segments of 1 second each

Question: How does the teacher demonstrate that the student specifically "showed respect", or is this AGLI saying that attending to what the speaker is saying automatically means they demonstrated showing respect? Attending to a speaker, especially for a 1 second interval, is measuring "attending", not necessarily that the student is showing respect. RESPONSE: The AGLI is indicating that to demonstrate showing respect the student will attend to the speaker. The use of a time segment DCS is acceptable VE.

Grade 4 Science 12101 - Recognize tool(s) that are used in a scientific investigation.
This AGLI has resulted in a number of instances in No Scores in the past where the VE did not connect to the task as the VE pertained to scientific tools, but did not show any link to them "being used for scientific investigations." You and I spoke about several of these during scoring last year.

We saw 2 instances of this AGLI at collegial today:

1. Directions on worksheet from teacher 1: Match the correct tool used for each scientific investigation.
  • Questions: Tool used to measure temperature (thermometer or pan), tool used to measure weight (stove or balance scale)
RESPONSE: This VE appears to connect to the AGLI and task.
2. Directions on worksheet from teacher 2: Recognize the scientific tools used in simple investigations
  • Student circled from the following choices: telescope, chalk, books, goggles
Teacher #2 is concerned about whether she needs to revamp her worksheets to the level of specificity used by teacher #1.

RESPONSE: This VE would need to have a clear indication of the scientific investigation that the tool(s) would be used for in order for the VE to connect.

Grade 7 ELA 12213 Recognize characters in multiple literary stories (multiple plurals - characters & stories)

What was confusing here was how to structure the worksheets when there are multiple plurals, as there could be several possible ways of doing this. Please confirm if all of the below would connect:

Option 1
  • worksheet #1 - student recognizes 1 character from a story
  • worksheet #2 - student recognizes 1 character (a different character) from a different story

Option 2
  • worksheet #1 - student recognizes more than 1 character from a story
  • worksheet #2 - student recognizes more than 1 character from a different story

Option 3 - both worksheets contain multiple characters and multiple stories
  • worksheet #1 - Has the titles of 3 different stories and pictures of 3 characters. Student matches the picture of the character to the story
  • worksheet #2 - has a picture of a character, with the titles of 3 different stories. Student circle the name of the story title that matches the character. Student then has another character picture (from a different story) and the same 2 story titles to choose from. 
Are all 3 acceptable options? RESPONSE: Each of the three options appears to connect to the AGLI and task.

Grade 6 ELA 21310 - Compose the answers to literal questions about explicit text in an appropriate organizational format.
Question.....does the teacher have to grade spelling, punctuation etc ? RESPONSE: The teacher does not have to grade for spelling or punctuation unless that is part of what he/she has indicated the VE will demonstrate in the task. For the Sample Assessment Task the appropriate organizational format is related to complete answers. The teacher could develop a scoring rubric that took into account spelling and punctuation which would provide for a more expanded process to determine the performance calculations.